Proactive, Prepared, Performance


Froi Pinili

After nearly 20 years in California, this New Jersey native has returned to his native roots.  Froi's career out West has been in the Consumer Electronics industry passionately working in sales.  His responsibilities not only included selling but training national chains such as Best Buy, Circuit City, Frys Electronics throughout the Southwestern U.S.

Favorite slice of pizza: Basile's in Hoboken or Little Italy on 32nd and 7th. It's the same slice with corn meal on the bottom!
Furthest city from NY I have lived in: Newport Beach, CA
Movie I can watch anytime: Sixteen Candles
Show I last binge watched: Breaking Bad
If I had a private jet for a weekend, I would: go to the French Riviera.
Favorite sports team: Dallas Cowboys

Danielle Krause

In 2011, Danielle relocated to New York City from Boston to continue her 20 year career in Media Advertising Sales.  During the latter half of 2012, she extended her work into Public Relations, Social Media and Event Planning when she launched her own freelance business.  Clients included NYC-based startups and Manhattan restaurants and local businesses.

Favorite slice of pizza: Artichoke Pizza in NYC is the BEST! And their specialty Artichoke Beer is not too bad either...
Furthest city from NY I have lived in: Seattle, WA
Movie I can watch anytime: It's a tie! E.T.and Pretty in Pink
Show I last binge watched: Shameless
If I had a private jet for a weekend, I would: go to Bora Bora.
Favorite sports team: Boston Red Sox